Critter Wranglers, LLC Blog
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Knoxville Animal Control
Knoxville Animal Control
Critter Wranglers is a family owned and operated family pest control company that specializes in Knoxville Animal Control. We love the Tennessee wildlife like most people do in this beautiful state, but we want to keep wildlife where it belongs, away from your home or office. We offer a variety of services because each animal control or pest removal is unique and different. Our professionally trained technicians are equipped to handle any situation that may arise and we put your safety first and foremost. Critters Wranglers has years of experience in handling lots of different animals like snakes, skunks, and even bats. There is no animal too big or small for us to help remove.
Animals We Help Trap:
- Snake
- Flying Squirrel
- Bats
- Groundhog
- Bat
- Raccoon
- Opossum
- Skunk Squirrel
And more!
Our services don’t stop at the removal of the unwanted animal; we also make sure the animals cannot return. This is called animal proofing and involves patching holes and repairing the area where the animal was able to gain access to your home. Critter Wranglers also helps clean up the mess the animal has made in your home as well. We truly are full-service!
We can also assist you with pest control! If you are having a problem with unwanted insects taking over your home or office, we are the ones to call.
Please let us help you today, click here to contact us.