Wildlife, Rodent, & Pest Control Services
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What Attracts Rodents to Homes?
Mice and rats are among the household pests that most frequently make trouble for homeowners nationwide, and Knoxville is no exception. Because they can squeeze their furry little bodies through shockingly small spaces, rodents are easily able to infiltrate our houses under doors and through holes in walls. To minimize the risk of a rodent infestation in your home, the best first step is to take measures to eliminate factors which commonly attract rats and mice.
As you may suspect, rodent infestations in Knoxville often begin when homes have lots of food for them to get into. Mice and rats are opportunistic eaters that will gladly forage on table scraps, food in your pantry, pet food, and bird seed. One of the best rodent prevention practices is to make it as difficult as possible for rodents to get into anything edible in your home. Keep the food in your kitchen securely stored and dispose of food waste regularly so that it isn't festering in your garbage can, wafting out for rodents' keen senses of smell to catch. Never leave pet food outside overnight, and if you store pet food or bird seed in your garage or basement, be sure to contain it in tightly lidded boxes that mice and rats can't chew their way into.
Rodents are also drawn inside homes in Knoxville because of the shelter they offer from bad weather and predators. Because mice and rats are low on the food chain, it's not hard to see why they're tempted by our houses, where they won't have to worry about hawks, owls, foxes, and other predators. Rodent infestations are also most common during winter because mice and rats seek the warmth of our homes as the air grows colder. While rodents can always find shelter in our homes, you can make your home less appealing by avoiding cluttered areas that afford mice and rats many places to hide. Focus on clearing out clutter in secluded spaces such as the basement, attic and garage to make these parts of your home less attractive to rodents.
If you're concerned about rodent problems, get in touch with Critter Wranglers today to request rodent control services in Knoxville!

Want to learn more about our pest control and animal control services? From animal trapping and animal proofing to pest control and other auxiliary services, Critter Wranglers is a Top Rated Local® pest control and wildlife control team proudly serving the communities in Powell, Knoxville, and beyond!
Or, you can check out a few of the most recent articles that have been reported - here is a neat article from WVLT talking about getting rid of unwanted pests in your home, and another that mentions our "Best of Knoxville" award!
Critter Wranglers was awarded 2022 Best Pest Control Services in Knoxville by Expertise! Contact us today to learn more about our services and to request a service quote.